Media and op-eds


‘Girt by Sea: Finding security in Australia’s maritime domains’, Lowy Institute, 31 July 2024,

‘Girt by Sea - Rebecca Strating and Joanne Wallis in conversation’, The Readings Podcast, 11 July 2024,

‘Book event: Girt by Sea’, Center for Strategic & International Studies, 10 July 2024,

‘Sea Control 521 - Girt by Sea’, Sea Control Podcast, Center for International Maritime Security, 27 June 2024,

‘A progressive Australian foreign policy?’, Australia in the World podcast, 9 June 2024,

‘Girt by Sea - Australia’s maritime security’, Big Ideas, ABC Radio, 20 May 2024,

Interview on ABC Brisbane Drive, ABC Brisbane, 7 May 2024,

‘Girt by Sea: can Australia reduce its dependence on US security?’, ABC Saturday Extra, 4 May 2024,

‘Increasing the effectiveness of Australia’s defence diplomacy in the Pacific Islands as a tool of statecraft’, The Strategist, 31 January 2024 [with Quentin Hanich and Michael Rose],

‘How are global powers engaging with the Pacific? And who is most effective? These 5 maps provide a glimpse’, The Conversation, 6 November 2023 [with Henrietta McNeill, Michael Rose, and Alan Tidwell],

‘Australia should offer our ‘Pacific family’ access rather than simply reacting to China’, The Conversation, 1 August 2023,

Quoted in: Randy Mulyanto, ‘Why are world leaders racing to the Pacific Islands?’, Al Jazeera, 10 August 2023,

‘Why did South Korea invite Pacific leaders to a summit, and why did they go?’ The Strategist, 31 May 2023 [with Jiye Kim], [quoted in ‘S Korea, Pacific Islands boost ties after first-ever summit’, Al Jazeera, 31 May 2023,]

‘Modi in Papua New Guinea: leader of the global south or Quad partner?’ The Stategist, 24 May 2023 [with Premesha Saha],

‘Smooth sailing or choppy waters for Australia, NZ and the US in the Pacific?’, The Strategist, 22 May 2023 [with Anna Powles],

‘Remembering Australia’s “other” alliance’, The Interpreter, 18 May 2023 [with Anna Powles],

‘Australia’s future security: Where the Defence Strategic Review falls short’, The Interpreter, 13 May 2023 [with Bec Strating],

‘Penny Wong said this week national power comes from ‘our people’. Are we ignoring our most vital resource?’, The Conversation, 18 April 2023 [with Gordon Peake'],

‘Scholarships as a Tool of Statecraft’, Australian Outlook, 4 April 2023 [with Priestley Habru],

‘When disaster strikes, Australia, New Zealand and the US should partner with, not for, the Pacific’, The Strategist, 8 March 2023 [with Anna Powles and Henrietta McNeill],

‘Weaving webs of statecraft in the Pacific Islands’, The Interpreter, 19 January 2023 [with Henrietta McNeill, Alan Tidwell, and Czes Tubilewicz],

‘US interest in the Pacific Islands tested at Pacific Islands Conference of Leaders’, 9DashLine, 12 September 2022 [with Henrietta McNeill],

‘A new office of Southeast Asia: what lessons can be taken from the Office of the Pacific’, The Intel, 8 September 2022,

‘Can the Pacific Islands Forum learn anything from ASEAN?’, East Asia Forum, 14 August 2022 [with Anna Powles],

‘The future of Australian diplomacy in the Pacific’, National Security Podcast, 11 August 2022 [with Ian Kemish],

‘Key to Pacific relationship is education: ours, not theirs’, Sydney Morning Herald, 9 August 2022 [with Ian Kemish],

‘Australia must listen to Pacific countries on defence issues’, The Canberra Times, 23 July 2022 [with Gordon Peake],

‘Australia and New Zealand have a golden opportunity to build stronger ties in the Pacific - but will they take it?’ The Conversation, 20 July 2022 [with Anna Powles and Soli Middleby],

‘The US in the Pacific: delivering on commitments or déjà vu?’, The Strategist, 15 July 2022 [with Anna Powles],

‘Expanded, empowered PIF could lock in Pacific security’, 360info, 11 July 2022 [with Anna Powles], [also ‘An expanded, empowered Pacific Islands Forum could lock in Pacific security’, RNZ, 19 July 2022,]. 

‘Australia’s Pacific Policy Under the ALP: Heading in the Right Direction?’, Australian Outlook, 7 July 2022 [with Maima Koro],

‘Engaging with the Pacific: the legal angle’, Lowy Interpreter, 5 July 2022 [with Sarah McCosker and Melissa Conley-Tyler],

‘Amplifying narratives about the ‘China threat’ in the Pacific may help China achieve its broader aims’, The Conversation, 27 May 2022 [with Maima Koro], (see also: The Canberra Times, 28 May 2022,

‘An Albanese-Ardern alliance in the Pacific: A step forward?’, The Strategist, 25 May 2022 [with Anna Powles],

‘Framing China in the Pacific Islands’, Australian Outlook, 21 April 2022 [with Angus Ireland, Isabel Robinson, and Alicia Turner'], (see also: Asialink Insight:

‘Alarm over China-Solomon Islands deal brushes over limits of our ‘influence’ in Pacific’, The Sydney Morning Herald, 20 April [with Czes Tubilewicz],

‘It’s time to talk to, not at, the Pacific’, The Strategist, 28 March 2022 [with Anna Powles],

‘Saying China ‘bought’ a military base in the Solomons is simplistic and shows how little Australia understands power in the Pacific’, The Conversation, 25 March 2022 [with Czes Tubilewicz], (also: ABC News, and The Canberra Times,

‘Joining the “Barty party” in foreign and defence policy’, The Interpreter, 1 February 2022 [with Bec Strating],

‘Tongan disaster highlights lack of coordination in regional response’, The Strategist, 28 January 2022 [with Henrietta McNeill and Anna Powles],

‘The Big Picture: AUKUS’, Asia Media Centre “Asia Insight”, 24 December 2021 [with Rob Ayson],

‘AUKUS and Australia’s relations in the Pacific’, East Asia Forum, 4 November 2021 [with Soli Middleby and Anna Powles],

‘Stepping-Up With Australia’s “Pacific Family”’, Australian Outlook, 3 November 2021,

‘Securing Pacific maritime boundaries’, ABC Pacific Beat, 29 October 2021,

‘AUKUS adds ambiguity to the Australia-New Zealand alliance’, The Strategist, 11 October 2021 [with Soli Middleby and Anna Powles],

‘How the Pacific might get caught up in the latest US-China-Taiwan stoush’, ABC Pacific Beat, 5 October 2021,

‘Pushing the limits of Australia’s strategic imagination in the Pacific Islands’, 9DashLine, 6 September 2021,

‘Shouldering their fair share? The ANZUS allies in the Pacific Islands’ [with Anna Powles], The Interpreter, 23 July 2021,

Interview on ‘Strategic competition in the Pacific’, Policy, Guns & Money: The ASPI Podcast, 2 July 2021,

‘The risks of escalating strategic competition in the Pacific Islands’, The Interpreter, 21 June 2021,

‘Mapping Pacific regional security cooperation’ [with Henrietta McNeill, Anna Powles and James Batley'], Policy Forum, 10 June 2021,

‘Resolving Samoa’s democratic crisis’ [with Henrietta McNeill], East Asia Forum, 1 June 2021,

‘For Australia’s foreign affairs, defence and trade, the lessons of the COVID-19 pandemic are not primarily about health’, interview with Senator David Fawcett, 29 March 2021,

‘What Can COVID-19 Tell Us About Pacific Resilience?’ [with Henrietta McNeill], Australian Outlook, 4 December 2020,

‘Kiwis and hawks: Is New Zealand edging closer to Australia on China?’ [with Anna Powles], The Interpreter, 14 October 2020,

‘China and the geopolitics of the Pacific Islands', The Strategist, 28 June 2019, 

'Australia's one step forward, two steps back in the Pacific', East Asia Forum, 21 June 2019,

'Competing Pacific narratives', East Asia Forum, 20 January 2019,

'Chinese whispers and Pacific agency' [with Anna Powles and Tess Newton Cain], The Interpreter, 22 October 2018,

'Australia steps up its Pacific pivot', East Asia Forum, 20 October 2018, 

'Australia at the Pacific Islands Forum: getting our priorities right', The Strategist, 6 September 2018,

'Chinese whispers and the geopolitics of the Pacific Islands' [with Anna Powles], AsiaGlobal Online, 6 September 2018,

'Australia needs to reset its Pacific policy', East Asia Forum, 1 June 2018, Republished on Open Forum, 5 June 2018,

'Is China changing the 'rules' in the Pacific Islands?', The Strategist, 11 April 2018, Republished as 'China makes its play for the Pacific', Open Forum, 12 April 2018,

'Australia's security', Big Ideas, ABC Radio National, 7 February 2018,

'What role can the Pacific Islands play in strengthening Australia's security?', Australian Outlook, 17 October 2017,

'Do Australia's interests match its influence in the Pacific Islands?', The Strategist, 27 September 2017, 

'Pacific Power', Between the Lines, ABC Radio National, 27 July 2017,

'Australia needs to view itself "more as a partner, less as a power" in the Pacific', Pacific Beat, ABC Radio Australia, 21 July 2017,,/8732260

'Australia's influence declining in the region', Pacific Beat, ABC Radio Australia, 19 July 2017,

'Crowded and complex: the changing geopolitics of the South Pacific', The Strategist, 24 April 2017,

'Hollow hegemon: Australia's declining influence in the Pacific', East Asia Forum, 21 September 2016, Republished on Open Forum, 15 April 2018,  

'Money, manipulation and misunderstanding on Manus Island', The Canberra Times, 5 July 2016,

'Australia's anxieties after the 'Age of Intervention', Policy Forum, 10 December 2015, 

'What role can constitution making play in state building?', fifteen eightyfour, 13 January 2015,

'Is Australia's influence over Papua New Guinea declining?', The Strategist, 20 October 2014,

'The dangers of development NGOs sacrificing accuracy for advocay', DevPolicy, 3 October 2014,

‘Australia’s changing strategic interests in the South Pacific’, China Policy Institute Blog, 5 February 2014,

'Widening gulf a peril for the two East Timors', Sydney Morning Herald, The Age and The Canberra Times, 28 November 2013,

'Beware of berating Bougainvilleans', The Strategist, 20 November 2013,

‘The difficulties of development in Timor-Leste', DevPolicy Blog, 27 November 2013,

‘Use White Paper to build bridges over the South Pacific’, Sydney Morning Herald and Canberra Times, 8 May 2013

'Neighbourhood Watch', SBS News, 3 May 2013

'The Pacific: from 'arc of instability' to 'arc of opportunity?', The Strategist, 10 December 2012,

'The South Pacific: from 'arc of instability' to 'arc of opportunity'?, December 2012,

'The South Pacific: Microcosm of Future US-China competition?', e-IR, 19 September 2012 ,

'Q&Asia: Who Will Lead the Asian Century?', ABC TV, 3 September 2012,

'Asia Pacific Week: panel debate Q and Asia', ABC Radio National, 30 August 2012,

'The United States and China in the South Pacific and beyond'¸ East Asia Forum, 6 September 2012,

'The dragon in our backyard: the strategic consequences of China's increased presence in the South Pacific', The Strategist, 30 August 2012, 

'China's South Pacific Diplomacy', The Diplomat, 30 August 2012,

'Is Australia still threatened by weak South Pacific states?', The Strategist, 20 August 2012,

'Fault lines: democracy and unity in Timor-Leste' The DrumABC, 18 July 2012,